Important React JS topics that SD I/II should know

Important React JS topics that SD I/II should know

  1. What is React?

  2. Features of React

  3. Advantages of React

  4. Limitations of React

  5. Angular vs React

  6. Why One-Way Data Binding?

  7. Virtual DOM

  8. Use of ES6 in React

  9. Types of Components in React? it's difference ? Which is Better and Why?

  10. JSX

  11. State

  12. Props

  13. Hooks in React? Why Were Hooks Introduced?

    • useState

    • useEffect

    • useMemo

    • useReducer

    • useContext

    • useCallback

    • useRef (Purpose Other than DOM Manipulation, e.g., Focus Input Box Preserving Old State)

    • Custom Hooks

  14. Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components

  15. Props Drilling? How to Avoid It?

  16. Strict Mode in React?

  17. Ways to Pass Data to Component

    • Props

    • Callback

    • Context

    • Redux

  18. Which Data Should Be Kept in Store and Which Not?

  19. React-Router

  20. Role-Based Access

  21. Protected Routes

  22. What Happens with the Old Component When Changing Routes and Loading New Components?

  23. Context API and it's usage

  24. Error Handling (Error Boundaries)

  25. Authentication in React

    • Where to Store Auth Token in React App?
  26. Validation in React Form

    • Custom

    • React-Form-Validation Library

  27. Current React Version?

  28. Higher Order Components (HOC)

  29. Lifecycle Methods

  30. How to Achieve Lifecycle Methods in Function-Based Components?

  31. Why Use Middleware for Redux?

  32. Lazy Loading (Splitting, Chunk, Suspense)

  33. CSR vs SSR vs ISR vs SSG Deep Dive

  34. React Unit Testing

  35. Fetch/Axios/Promises/Async Await

  36. How to Improve/Optimize the Performance of React App

  37. Skeleton Structure

  38. Shimmer UI

  39. Styling in React

    • Styled Components

    • SASS

    • Bootstrap

    • Material-UI

    • Tailwind CSS

  40. Security of React App

  41. Directories/Folder Structure for Redux

  42. Why Use Capitalized Component?

  43. mapStateToProps vs mapDispatchToProps

  44. Challenges You Face While Working in React

  45. Hook Calling Sequence

  46. Render Props

  47. PropTypes

  48. Pure Component ? How to decide when to use it?

  49. Forward Ref

  50. React Fiber

  51. useMemo vs PureComponent

  52. Memoization Using useMemo, memo, useCallback

  53. Why Use Super Keyword in Constructor?

  54. Interceptors

  55. Atomic Design Principle

  56. DRY Principle

  57. SOLID Principle

  58. Conditional Rendering

  59. Fragment

  60. Why Key Is Important While Rendering Components in Loop?

  61. Bind Event in React

  62. Synthetic Events

  63. Write a Function Unit Test Case for Form Validation

  64. Write a Function Unit Test Case for API call

  65. React-Specific Design Patterns

    • HOC

    • Render Props

    • Custom Hooks

    • Compound Component

  66. Use Cases of useContext() and How to Use with useReducer()

  67. SPA vs MPA (Point of View)

  68. Redux Flow

  69. Handling Side Effects with State Management

  70. What Happens Behind the Scenes When State Changes?

  71. Why Use State Not Variable in React?

  72. Public and Private NPM Registries

  73. Webpack | Code Splitting

  74. Write Own Memoization Function

  75. Shadow DOM vs Virtual DOM

  76. Why React Is SPA?

  77. What Is SEO in Terms of Rendering Techniques?

  78. what happen when we call setState in render()?

  79. Error handling in Redux

  80. Where to store JWT token (neither local Storage nor in redux)

  81. As a UI dev how to consider security if we are using forms(which enables hacker to enter in system)