Important Concept of JavaScript that SD I/II should know

Important Concept of JavaScript that SD I/II should know

  1. Difference and Deep Dive intolet, var, const

  2. Closure

  3. Hoisting

  4. Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy

  5. Call, Apply, Bind Methods

  6. Callback Functions, Async Await, Promises

  7. Callback Hell

  8. Promise Methods like.all(), .allSettled(), .any(), .race()

  9. ECMAScript (ES) Features

  10. Prototype and Prototypal Inheritance

  11. Map, Reduce, ForEach, Filter Methods

  12. Currying and it's usage

  13. Arrow Functions

  14. Difference Between Normal and Arrow Functions

  15. Ways to Create Objects

  16. == vs ===

  17. this Keyword in JavaScript

  18. some() Method in JavaScript

  19. Set in JavaScript

  20. Dates in JavaScript

  21. Ways to Call APIs in JavaScript

  22. Object and Array Destructuring

  23. Object Looping Methods

  24. Null Coalescing Operator (??)

  25. Optional Chaining

  26. Pass by Value and Pass by Reference

  27. Scope in JavaScript

  28. Ternary Operator

  29. Type Correction vs Type Coercion

  30. Higher-Order Functions

  31. break, continue Keywords

  32. Function Declaration vs Function Expression

  33. Local Storage and Session Storage

  34. Cookies

  35. JSON Methods

  36. Array Methods

  37. npm vs npx

  38. Handling Missing<!doctype>

  39. pnpm

  40. Draggable Attribute

  41. Null vs Undefined

  42. Skeleton Screen

  43. DRY Principle

  44. ATOMIC Principle

  45. SOLID Principle

  46. Node.js vs JavaScript

  47. Event Propagation

  48. Event Delegation

  49. Template Literals

  50. String Interpolation

  51. Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)

  52. Object.freeze()

  53. Object.seal()

  54. Generator Functions

  55. slice() vs splice() Method

  56. Internationalization

  57. Rendering Techniques (CSR, SSR, SSG, ISR)

  58. for vs

  59. Default Parameters

  60. First-Class Functions

  61. Pure vs Impure Functions

  62. String Functions/Operations

  63. String Immutability

  64. DOM (Document Object Model)

  65. Selectors/Query Selector in JavaScript

  66. textContent vs innerHTML

  67. Error Handling in JavaScript

  68. Finally Block

  69. Throwing Errors

  70. Error Propagation and Best Practices

  71. Types of Errors

  72. Set and its Methods

  73. Map vs Object

  74. Event Bubbling

  75. Event Capturing

  76. event.preventDefault()

  77. First-Order Functions

  78. Modules

  79. Post Message for Cross-Origin Communication on Client Side

  80. Promise.all()

  81. Promise.any()

  82. Promise.race()

  83. Strict Mode

  84. eval()

  85. History Access in JavaScript

  86. NaN

  87. isFinite()

  88. Polyfills

  89. Proto vs Prototype

  90. Prototypal Inheritance

  91. isFrozen()

  92. isSealed()

  93. Object.defineProperty()

  94. Execution Context in JavaScript

  95. Macro vs Micro Queue

  96. Design Patterns in JavaScript (Singleton, Abstract, Factory, Builder, Prototypal)

  97. SPA vs MPA

  98. Web Workers and Service Workers

  99. Temporal Dead Zone

  100. Babel

  101. Webpack

  102. HttpRequest

  103. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)

  104. Why JavaScript is Single-Threaded?

  105. Ways to Improve Page Performance (Caching Images, CSS Files, etc.)

  106. Prototype Chaining

  107. Mocking Inheritance in JavaScript

  108. Debugging Techniques

  109. Web Accessibility

  110. New HTML5 tags and attributes

  111. Difference between async / Defer on loading scripts

  112. Difference between flex and grid

  113. What are rem and em properties and CSS

  114. Difference way to make webpage responsive

  115. When response sent from server to the browser what gets loaded first ? Html? css? js?

  116. create a css task t make webpage responsive

  117. use of mixins? what are different css libraries you have used?

  118. why functions are called first class citizens in js?

  119. Difference between await and yield keyword?

  120. Sass and CSS libraries

  121. CSS positions

  122. Visibility:hidden vs display:none

  123. Sort an array without using in-build methods of array not event length(hint: use i !== undefined) and using only loop